End Trafficking Task Force

Stop the multigenerational trauma wrought by trafficking

FHD Forensics and Genealogy For Justice are forging dynamic partnerships with other experts to address and ultimately end the injustice caused by all aspects of human trafficking. Our experienced team possesses extensive knowledge of best practices in investigative genetic genealogy. The focus of our work lies in restorative and economic justice for victims, with a long-term goal of deterring future crimes.

GoFundMe Donation: Genealogy For Justice™

Some jurisdictions need help to fund these cases. We also have a GoFundMe option for donations to our memorial fund. The Dean and Tina Linn Clouse Memorial Fund at Genealogy For Justice™ applies your online donations to unidentified remains cases. Tax deductible donations are also possible. Please email us for more information.

Paypal Donation: Contribute directly to the general fund

If you would like to help us with unidentified remains investigations like South Island John Doe’s, please use our Paypal donation button below. Your donation will go directly to our slush fund for advanced DNA analysis services for a cold case in need of funding. Tax deductible donations are also possible. Please email us for more information.