We are blown away by the work of FHD Forensics and what they are capable of!

Dr. Bill Stevens
Richland County Coroner’s Office

You are a class act doing the hard work people seem to forget about too easily. Keep fighting the good fight!

Detective William Weaver
Volusia County Sheriff’s Office

We are grateful and appreciative of the work you and your team did!

Chief Mark Lauderback
Cypress Police Department

DNA Sequencing + Investigative Genealogy

Bringing front line experience to ending cold case backlogs.
Experts in using genetic genealogy to provide fresh leads for violent crimes
and to return names to unidentified remains cases.

Her Name Was Pam

Team G4J-FHD recently helped return a Florida serial killer’s victim to her family after 45 years. An Indiana woman returned to her childhood home in Florida and crossed paths with a monster.

French Canadian DNA Needed!

Funded by Genealogy For Justice, we are hard at work to help Volusia County, Florida identify a man found in 1982 by two young campers. Learn more about the project and get involved!

Watch the ABC Special

After a young couple is murdered, their true identities lead to a shocking twist. Watch the ABC 20/20 special that tells the story of the founding of our sister organization, Genealogy For Justice™. Watch on Hulu or click below.

Volunteer Spotlight

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