We are blown away by the work of FHD Forensics and what they are capable of!

Dr. Bill Stevens
Richland County Coroner’s Office

You are a class act doing the hard work people seem to forget about too easily. Keep fighting the good fight!

Detective William Weaver
Volusia County Sheriff’s Office

We are grateful and appreciative of the work you and your team did!

Chief Mark Lauderback
Cypress Police Department

DNA Sequencing + Investigative Genealogy

Bringing front line experience to ending cold case backlogs.
Experts in using genetic genealogy to provide fresh leads for violent crimes
and to return names to unidentified remains cases.

Watch the ABC Special

After a young couple is murdered, their true identities lead to a shocking twist. Watch the ABC 20/20 special that tells the story of the founding of our sister organization, Genealogy For Justice™. Watch on Hulu or click below.

New Case Alert!

Team FHD is working to solve a 1985 Pima County, Arizona case that’s been cold since the year the Medical Examiner’s Anthropologist began his tenure. Donate to help us give Picture Rocks Jane Doe her name.

End Trafficking Task Force

Following our mission to tackle the issue of Trafficking in Persons (TIP) with the power of genetic genealogy just set an important legal precedent! Learn more about how this groundbreaking case can pave the way for other vulnerable children.

Forensic Genetic Genealogy Investigations

Our unique value proposition is unlike any other forensic genetic genealogy team’s in the industry.

  • Single source vendor, from DNA sequencing to identity confirmation testing
  • Flat fee genealogical investigations for the life of the case – no blocks of hours!
  • Assistance with grant applications
  • Crowdsourcing savvy for both leads and funding
  • Responsive, regular updates. You call or text – we reply
  • Advocacy-minded experts at crisis and family communications